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What are electronic components? What are the electronic components?

What is electronic components, electronic components of a wide variety, according to the nature of use can be divided into: resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, light-emitting diodes, crystal diodes, transistors, semiconductors, optocouplers, integrated circuits, relays and so on.

What are the electronic components?

Common resistors, capacitors and inductors, let's take a look!

1, resistance, resistance is a very old and commonly used electronic component. A resistor is a device that limits the amount of current and is defined as a guide line. According to the different materials, it can be divided into metal film resistance, carbon film resistance, metal oxide resistance, wire wound resistance and so on. According to the role of different functions can also be divided into: color ring classification, nominal value method, frequency method, voltage method and so on.

2, capacitors, in electronic circuits, capacitors are devices that store charge. It can isolate AC or DC, and achieve the purpose of controlling the circuit by charging or discharging AC or DC.

3, inductance, in the power circuit, inductance is a kind of energy storage element, which can be used to convert the power supply into inductance and impedance. Inductance has two main functions in the circuit, one is the transmission function, and the other is the resistance effect, also known as the anti-interference effect.

4, light emitting diode, simply speaking, is a special semiconductor material. Because it contains two small metal electrodes inside, the spacing between the two electrodes is small, so the light-emitting diode has one-way conductivity, when the positive bias is added, the light is emitted, and the reverse is not bright.

LHH offers and Engaged in electronic components series products, sales of products covering /MCU/sensor /MCU master chip/power chip/switching regulator chip/metering chip and other series of electronic products.

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