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How to ensure the quality of electronic components

Electronic components belong to industrial equipment, most of the equipment can not be seen in daily life, because it is deployed in mobile phones, computers, smart products, basically there are thousands of components, different devices carry different functions, in addition to resistance capacitors, but also include high-tech radio frequency equipment.

An electronic component is a part consisting of electronic components, small machines and instruments. They consist of several parts and can be used in similar products. They usually refer to industrial components such as electrical appliances, radios, and instruments, including electronic devices such as capacitors, transistors, spring wires, and clockwork.

Electronic components include: Resistors, capacitors, inductors, potentiometers, electronic tubes, radiators, electromechanical components, connectors, discrete semiconductor devices, electro-acoustic devices, laser devices, electronic display devices, optoelectronic devices, sensors, power supplies, switches, micro motors, electronic transformers, relays, printed circuit boards, integrated circuits, various circuits, piezoelectric, crystal, quartz, porcelain magnetic materials, printed electricity Subgrade board, electronic functional process special materials, electronic adhesive (tape) products, electronic chemical materials and components.

There are many types of electronic components, involving hundreds of millions of types of electronic components, and the market demand for electronic components is also large, because electronic components have become an indispensable part of the industrial field. Electronic components include domestic and imported, most low-standard electronic components can be replaced by domestic, but high-tech equipment must still rely on imports. Domestic electronic components also rely on imported equipment, for inexperienced procurement, just look at the surface can not see any way, small edge to introduce what certification can ensure the quality of equipment.

If the quality of the equipment is uncertain, you can directly check the purchased electronic components. There are special testing centers in China that can help test the quality of equipment. In terms of quality, the electronic components have the EU CE certification, the United States UL certification, Germany VDE and TUV, China CQC certification and other domestic and foreign certifications to ensure that the components are qualified.

LHH offers and Engaged in electronic components series products, sales of products covering /MCU/sensor /MCU master chip/power chip/switching regulator chip/metering chip and other series of electronic products.

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